When we talk about making ourselves feel better, or giving ourselves an emotional boost, there are certain things we know that we should do (even if we can’t always be bothered!). We know that getting outdoors, being active and exercising, and getting our beauty sleep are a winning combination for a happier, healthier life.

But after the year we have all had some of us may be starting to flag a little in terms of motivation and enthusiasm for the same old ways of recharging our wellbeing batteries.

This blog is therefore written with the aim of potentially inspiring you and your teens to try some new ways to achieve a feeling of wellbeing, including perhaps some more unusual methods of getting your daily squirt of happy hormones! We know that puppies and other pets are great for nurturing and self-care, but what else can we try?

Physical Therapy

Let’s start with some of the more obvious ‘endorphin elevators’; laughing, dancing, and singing (loudly!). Take any opportunity to dance around your kitchen or bedroom, sing along to the radio in the car, give the Masked Singer a run for their money, and generally have an uninhibited giggle.

At its simplest level this may mean watching funny TV series, or TikToks, or tuning into a comedy show. Anything you like that makes you smile or even better, laugh, will be a chuckle in the right direction.

Smells good!

The next set of activities are linked to being outdoors, and our very deep human need to connect with nature, but they are more specific than just getting fresh air or taking a walk. Did you know that certain scents boost wellbeing, specifically citrus and lavender? And what about gardening, buying yourself flowers, and absorbing your daily dose of sunlight. All of these are scientifically proven to give your psychology a blissful bump, so pop some lavender in a vase, or get your teens sitting outside in the sun (well, we can hope!) to watch those comedy videos.

In the pink!

The final group of activities is more visually inclined, with a nod to acknowledging the importance of colour, specifically warm or bright colours in making us feel good. Green is also shown to be uplifting (perhaps it’s linked to that need to connect with nature again?!). You and the teens could paint the walls bright hues, or ‘colour block’ your clothes; the key is to be surrounded by vivid tints. And talking of clothes, dressing smartlyalso makes us feel more confident, so that’s another top tip too.

So, there you have it. Some fresh ideas for feeling good at minimal cost, and accessible to all, including the younger generation.

Right, I’m off to put on a pink T shirt, waft some lavender scent about the house, and smell the roses. Have fun!